As with many things in human nature, Viking culture had many symbols representing almost every aspect of life. The Viking symbol for love, like many other equally complex concepts, was either simple to understand or difficult to grasp, depending on the type of love in question.
Was there a Viking symbol for love? The answer is most likely no. The reasoning is that the concept of love was as diverse as the people experiencing it.
Some people consider macabre concepts such as mercy killings an act of love, while others consider it hate. Neither of these people is wrong; they perceive the world differently.
According to Viking mythology, young Viking warriors, for example, believed that they would be welcomed in Valhalla if they died in battle with their weapons or sword in hand. For such a warrior, allowing an enemy who is about to kill them to take hold of their sword before striking the final blow so they can go to Valhalla would be considered an act of love in some way.
Imagine that: perceiving someone who is about to take away the most precious thing you have (your life) as showing you an act of kindness and love in the final moment! That’s how complicated this subject matter is and has always been.
Viking Symbol for Love
In old Norse mythology and culture, the ancient symbol for love and the rune for love were closely linked. The Viking runic symbol for love was more closely associated with the concept than the actual symbol.
On the other hand, the Viking symbol for love was more closely associated with the concept of marriage than the actual emotion. This ancient symbol for love was the “Valknut symbol.” This symbol was often used in jewelry, specifically wedding rings.
The Valknut symbol was essentially three interlocking triangles. This particular symbol has been found on various tombs from the ancient Viking age (between 800 and 1050 AD).
Like most ancient Viking symbols, the actual meaning of the Valknut has been lost to time and is unknown. It is, however, believed to be something like a fertility emblem. Either that, or it was an acknowledgment of being victorious over one’s enemies. As you can see, it’s quite a wide range.
The Valknut symbol was chosen to represent marriage and, hopefully, the love that comes with it because of its geometric shape. The ancient Vikings believed this shape made it somewhat difficult to steal or even alter the symbol.
The Valknut symbol is quite popular amongst Scandinavians and can be assumed to symbolize marital happiness and fidelity.
Viking Rune for Love
As mentioned, the Elder Futhark runes are more closely associated with complicated concepts such as love. While many Viking runes could be associated with love, such as the Isa rune, the most common Viking rune for love is FEHE.
As might be expected, this rune stone was not specifically associated with love. Rather, it represented the power of attraction and the energy that comes with it. The Norse people believed that this powerful symbol could help strengthen any connection you might have with a romantic interest. It was also believed that it could help attract or bring happiness into your life.
Even though love is inherently a delicate and complicated topic, these powerful runes can help you attract more of it. Aside from bringing you joy and happiness, it was believed that by meditating on these powerful Elder Futhark runes, you could protect your relationship from any negative energy that would seek to tarnish or even ruin it.
To create the necessary positive energy, all you had to do was meditate on the runes in addition to writing down your specific feelings about the kind of love you wanted, and then you could create the kind of positive energy that could bring it to fruition.
What Are the Benefits of Using a Viking Love Rune?
The Viking symbol for love and the love rune stone are typically used by people who either want to find love or are already in love and would like to strengthen it or keep it burning even hotter. These runes and symbols were specific to relationships, love, and marriage. In addition to that, these runes could also be used to encourage harmony and altruism within the family unit.
When used correctly, the various Elder Futhark runes for love were believed to bring many benefits to almost every aspect of the user’s life. This included:
- Improved self-esteem
- Increased happiness
- Better communication skills
- Stronger ties with your loved ones
If you believe in the old Norse ways and are trying to find ways to attract more love into your life or develop a romantic connection with someone, try using any of the associated love runes as part of your meditation or protection ritual. This could help you attract more positive energy and enhance the connection between yourself and your loved ones.
Is There a Word for “I Love You” in the Old Norse Language?
Because so many different symbols and runes could be considered or taken to signify love, it’s only logical that the word for “love” in the old Norse language would be just as complicated.
There was no express way to say, “I love you.” At least not in the way that we know it today. Back then, that statement had a much heavier and more poetic meaning.
For Viking men to say “I love you” to a woman, they would say something like, “You are my Valkyrie.” “I will follow you through all the nine realms and into eternity.”
In Norse mythology, the Valkyries were an army of brave women and the female messengers of the All-Father, the god Odin. According to the myths, the Valkyries delivered slain warriors from the battlefield into Valhalla.
These exceptionally brave women would ride into battle on their winged horses and carry away any slain Viking warriors worthy of Valhalla. They would also help the gods and goddesses by dispensing prophecies and wisdom when called upon.
In a culture where being a warrior and dying in battle was considered one of the greatest honors a warrior could receive, it’s easy to see why the men had a great affinity or liking for the Valkyries.
For a man, especially a Viking warrior, to compare his love for a woman to his love for the Valkyries meant that he was serious about building a life with the woman in question.
The Symbol for Freyja
Another common Viking symbol for love was the “Brisingamen.” This was actually the necklace associated with the goddess Freyja, the Viking goddess of love. Like all other Viking gods and goddesses, Freyja had many titles and symbols. Apart from her necklace, which consisted of three pearls interwoven with serpents, the lion was her other symbol.
Both of these symbols, when held in relation to Freyja, could also be considered Viking symbols for love, as they were used to honor the goddess of love, Freyja.
There are a lot of symbols and runes that could translate to love in old Norse culture. For example, Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, was considered a symbol of the Norse god of thunder. Thor’s hammer also signified protection, a different form of love.
There was, and still is, no single Viking symbol for love. It’s about how you perceive the symbols closely related to the concept, depending on the kind of love you want to attract. Those mentioned above are the most closely related Viking runes and love symbols.