Double Headed Axe: Meaning, Symbolism & History

The double-headed axe is an important symbol in Viking history. It is believed to have originated from a Minoan object called the labrys, which many historians believe to have been an important religious symbol. It was called pélekys, or pélekus in Greek. This post details the double-headed axe, what it means, what it symbolizes, what it looks like, its uses and history.

In ancient history, the double headed axe was used as a symbol of control, power, and strength. Today, It is used as a sign of leadership and strength. Leaders often use this sign to inspire others. It is also a symbol of the sun, which represents the source of energy and life.

In history, and more recently in popular culture, the Vikings are regarded as one of the greatest seafaring warrior cultures. They were also the first seafaring people in Europe. The two-headed axe is often seen as a symbol of the Viking culture.

The axe was used by the Vikings in battle, and it symbolized their belief that no matter how many opponents they faced, they could always overcome them with their superior strength. They built shelters across the sea and used them to raid coastal villages.

History of the Viking Double Headed Axe

The Viking double-headed axe is a type of weapon used in the Viking Age (792-1066 AD). The name derives from the two-headed axe, which has two blades attached to the head of the axe and has been used by Scandinavians since the early Middle Ages. The two-headed axe was developed during the 8th century AD.

It is one of the most important types of Viking Age weaponry, along with swords and spears. The weapon was in use for a long time in the Viking Age (both man & woman) and continued in use well into the 12th century.

It has been used since ancient times, and it has been a part of many cultures and societies. In the Middle Ages, this weapon was used by the English. It was also used by the Greeks. The Vikings were famous for using this weapon.

The Viking double headed axe was used as a primary weapon in war, but it was also used for hunting. It is an impressive sword for any warrior to wield, and a terrifying weapon to face. This weapon could be used as a primary weapon and as a secondary weapon. They also used medieval axes which is a great alternative to it. It was made out of wood, horn, and metal.

The Double Headed Axe

What is the Point of a Double-Headed Battle Axe?

One of the earliest recorded double-headed battle axes was a shaft-hole axe variant used by humans in the Bronze Age (around 3300–2900 BC). The double-sided battle axe is a very powerful and deadly weapon.

They were used in wars, both for killing people and for protection. With their second axe head, double-headed axes give the fighting warrior better strike angles during combat.

It was used in various areas of Europe and the Near East. Many historians believe it first appeared in areas of Germany and Zeeland that had Viking influence. Archaeologists have determined these early versions of the axe were made from a tough and homogeneous stone such as porphyry, and it was finely polished.

What is a Double-Headed Axe called?

A double-headed axe is a type of axe with two heads or sides, each head pointing in a different direction. For this reason, it is called a double-sided axe, or double axe. It was also called pélekys, or pélekus in Greek.

Usually, the double axe is formed of two parts: a top head, and a lower or tailpiece. The top edge of the two blades is turned down.

When swinging, you have to hold the handle firmly, and the weight of the axe is transferred to the shoulders. This type of two-headed axe can also be found in modern times in the Middle East.

The double axe is a type of weapon that is used in many types of battles. These axes are considered to be the most famous axes in the world and some have survived for more than 2,500 years. This kind of weapon is very difficult to make. The shape of the heads and their sizes vary, and the heads can be made of bronze or stone.

It is not only the most common form of the ancient axes, but it is also the earliest known and the most frequently used. It is a kind of two-sided axe, but it is technically more similar to the adze than to the chisel. These axes are most often called double-sided axe. Axes were not used just for combat. They were also used productively to cut down trees for wood crafting.

Who Invented Double-Headed Axe?

The true answer to this question may never be known and forever be lost to history. The double axe appears at its earliest to be symbolic in Syria and Cappadocia. Scholars also believe it to have originated in Asia Minor and among the Etruscans in Italy. In addition, Scandinavian stone axes were designed to be double-axes.

Due to its high utility in both combat and tree cutting, it is quite likely that the double-headed axe was invented by multiple cultures at different times. It is also easy to envisage it as a logical evolution from the single-headed axe.

What is the Symbolism of the Viking Double Headed axe?

The double axe is a strong symbol that has been used for centuries. It was first found on Scandinavian coins from about 1000-9000 BC. Similar symbols were most likely religious symbols as they first appeared in Scandinavia.

For example, it was seen in the Oseberg ship and the Gokstad ships. It was then adopted by the Vikings. Because the double-headed axe had two heads, it symbolized the strength of the Vikings.

A double-headed axe is a symbol that means power, strength, and courage. It represents the union of the two gods of the sky and the earth; Thor and Odin, as well as the god and goddess of fire and water; Freya and Freyr.

The axe is also a sign of the union of the two worlds, the mortal world, and the eternal world. It is a symbol of death, but it is also a symbol of rebirth.

This is a sign of the duality of man and nature. It represents the balance between the two and it is the force that will allow us to find balance in life. A double-headed axe is also a sign of the union of male and female, the union of heaven and earth.

What is the Look of Double-Headed Axes?

The double-headed axe is typically shaped like a V, with two heads on the Axe. It is a double-sided axe that is rectangular with a squared-off head on one end and a curved blade on the other. The look of double-headed axes is always fearsome. High carbon steel is used to make the modern double-edged axe, so that it is of considerable quality and “razor-sharp”. They are usually very large and heavy, and they are used to chop down trees.

Double-headed axes are typically thicker than normal axes. If the handle of the axe is made of wood, it should be about as thick as the handle of a single-headed axe. It’s a big, bulky axe with two blades attached to a shaft. If you have seen an axe with two blades on a single shaft, it is probably a double-headed axe.

A Double-Headed Battle Axe in a modern re-enactment armory


The double headed axe is a great weapon to use in battle. The axe has a long handle (enough length) and a curved blade. It can be used to fight both humans and animals.

In Viking culture the double headed battle axe most commonly symbolized courage, strength and power.

There are many reasons for making a double axe but the main reason is for more power when cutting wood. The two blades work together to cut the wood. It has been around for hundreds of years. It is used in farming and woodworking.

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