The Key of Solomon, also known as the Clavicula Salomonis or Mafteah Shelomoh in Hebrew, is a pseudepigraphical grimoire that is said to have been written by King Solomon. Research suggests it possibly belongs to the Italian Renaissance of the 14th or 15th century. It displays a classic instance of Renaissance magic.

For what is Solomon most well-known? The first Temple in Jerusalem was erected by Solomon, the Israelite monarch. He was also the final and second (after his father, David) king of a united Israel, which was at its strongest under his rule. He is renowned for the Bible’s accounts of his wisdom. The majority of the extant manuscripts, which include translations in numerous languages, particularly Italian, date from the 16th to the 18th century. Numerous pentacles, or necromantic patterns, are employed throughout the books in spells and invocations.

The book was initially written for King Solomon’s son Rehoboam, who was instructed to bury it in his tomb after his death, by the legend included in the text. The text was allegedly afterward found by a group of intellectuals from Babylonia while maintaining Solomon’s tomb. One of these guys claimed to have had a vision in which an alleged angel gave him the order to keep the book away from the “unworthy.” The philosopher decided to curse the book as a result.
- The Key of Solomon‘s first chapter contains several chants, charms, and curses that can be used to call forth or bind demons and ghosts.
- Other magic spells dealing with how to become invisible and how to obtain love are also mentioned in this section.
- Several purifications an exorcist should go through are listed and described in the second section of the Key of Solomon. On clothes, magical tools, and even animal sacrifices, instructions are provided.
- The Key of Solomon book is available to peruse here at the Internet Archive
The Key of Solomon has gained notoriety in pop culture as a result of its inclusion in Dan Brown’s best-selling book The Lost Symbol 2009. The grimoire’s use as a storytelling device is interesting, but Brown’s work provides little to support the Key’s authenticity.

Keys of Solomon the King, Greater and Smaller
An unnamed author created the grimoire known as The Greater Key of Solomon in the fourteenth century, which is composed of three books. It includes rituals, spells, and techniques for calling forth spirits from the afterlife, including those of demons, damned souls from Hell, and Spirits of Angels.
The Grimoire provides theoretical knowledge as well as step-by-step practical instructions on a variety of subjects, including:
- planetary hours
- celestial bodies
- prayer
- ritual preparation
- interaction with angels and spirits
- exorcisms
- magickal amulets
- the making and use of ritual tools, and more.

The Lesser Key of Solomon is a modern grimoire that has gone through multiple versions, with different writers and editors free to alter and translate the old writings and source material. Large sections of the Lemegeton were included in Arthur Edward Waite’s The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts:
- Privately published in in 1898
- Only 500 copies were made
- Contains texts from multiple spell books (grimoires. Fun fact: Grimoires were usually burned after the death of the owner)
- The author, Arthur Edward Waited, an Irish mystic and writer, famous for creating the most popular of all Tarot Card decks was a member of the Golden Dawn Occult Society (or Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn)
- Apparently with this book one can learn to conjure demons and speak to the dead. (Your mileage may vary, and no guarantees are given)
In 1904, Mathers and Crowley released The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon as his successors. Since then, a lot of people have put together their versions of this antiquated information, and it’s vital to understand that the Lesser Key is made up of its contents rather than the actual book.

What Do You Mean By King Solomon Seals?
It is said that King Solomon of Israel was the owner of the King Solomon Seals, sometimes referred to as the Ring of Solomon, which had a magical seal. Jewish ideas are the symbol’s source, but they eventually came to be significant to Islamic and Western occult movements.
King Solomon’s signet ring, known as the Seal of Solomon, is usually shown as a pentagram or hexagram. According to legend, Solomon’s ring gave him the ability to communicate to and potentially even manipulate animals, as well as command demons, genies, and spirits. The ring evolved into an amulet, talisman, or symbol in magic, occultism, and alchemy during the medieval and Renaissance eras as a result of its power and Solomon’s wisdom.
In the Testament of Solomon, when Solomon wrote of his adventures constructing the Temple, The Seal is referenced. The history of how Solomon obtained God’s Seal is told at the outset of the Testament. As a result, Solomon pleaded to God for assistance in assisting a skilled craftsman who was being tormented by a demon. In response, God sent a magic ring with an etching of a pentagram.

Symbolism of the Seal of Solomon
God gave Solomon knowledge, and the Seal represents wisdom and divine favor. As well as reflecting cosmic order, star motion, the flow between heaven and earth, and the elements of air and fire, it is also supposed to do such.
In addition, the Seal of Solomon is still widely used by those who practice magic or witchcraft, especially when it involves exorcism or other sorcery involving demons. Christians and Jews in medieval times trusted the Seal of Solomon to shield them from evil and gloom. As a sign of magic and strength, it is now frequently employed by Western occult groups.

Therefore, the Key of Solomon is neither a key nor “of Solomon,” to put it briefly. It’s just a book about medieval magic with a few Judeo-Christian ideas thrown in. The book’s subject matter is not biblical, even though it is useful for historical study.
The King Solomon Seals is renowned for its magical qualities and has a troubled past. The Seal of Solomon symbol, in all of its incarnations, continues to be a significant and revered emblem among numerous religious groups, whether it is being utilized for magic, religious meaning, or protection from evil.
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