Norse Viking Symbols And Their Meanings (Mythology Signs And Sigils For Tattoo Ideas)

Celtic Tree of Life Knot Meaning Explained

The Norse people were as spiritual as it comes, so much so that their spiritual beliefs were essentially considered not a religion, but a part of their everyday reality. They genuinely believed that cosmic forces played an active role in everything that happened in their lives. They also believed in magic and the practice of seidr (Norse magic), which also heavily featured symbols, was quite common.   That is why symbols played an important role in Norse culture and it would … Continue reading the article

202 Angel Number Meaning Explained: Numerology, Twin Flame And Love Interpretations

202 Angel Number Meaning, Twin Flame, Love Interpretation

Angel numbers are considered to have a symbolic meaning and be a method of one-way divine communication from a higher power that appears in daily life or dreams and requires a degree of interpretation to understand the significance of the digits in one’s life. The angel number 202 is associated with following the path you are on and being more conscious about yourself and others to become a better human being. It acts as a sign that there are better times … Continue reading the article

Symbols of Patience Across Cultures

Ivy Plans, Symbols of Patience

In today’s post, we will be discussing symbols of patience across cultures and how patience is represented by people from civilizations in all four corners of the world. Let us start with the Far East and Chinese culture. Chinese Symbols For Patience Ren Symbol Ren 忍 is a symbol created by combining two characters in the Chinese language – Ren 刃 and Xin 心. The character Ren translates to the blade of the knife, and Xin means heart. When placed on top … Continue reading the article

Gods, Goddesses And Symbols Of Knowledge And Wisdom

Athena Symbols, Symbols of Knowledge, the Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge with an Owl

Today’s post is about the symbols of knowledge and wisdom around the world. What symbolizes knowledge? Which symbol did the people in ancient times use to represent it? Who are the gods of wisdom? The answer to these questions and many more is here in this detailed article. Let us begin our journey of knowledge with the Norse mythology. Norse Symbols of Knowledge and Wisdom Mimir, The Norse God of Knowledge and Wisdom Mimir is the Norse god of knowledge and … Continue reading the article

Koi Fish Symbolism, Meaning And Tattoo Ideas – What Do Koi Fish Represent?

Koi Fish Symbolism and Meaning, What Do Koi Fish Represent - A Koi Fish Illustration

Adored for their beautiful appearance with vibrant colors worldwide, koi fish have been known to be prominent symbols in some cultures like Chinese and Japanese. With multiple deep symbolic meanings attached to them, koi fish imagery has been widely used in Asian art and design, in various forms, for a very long time. Let us get right into it then, here is everything you should know about koi fish symbolism, the legend behind the symbol and the spiritual meaning and religious … Continue reading the article

Butterfly Symbolism And Meaning: What Do Butterflies Symbolize?

Butterfly Meaning and Symbolism Explained, Blue Morpho and Monarch Butterflies

Butterflies are beautiful, majestic creatures that evolve from a dull black caterpillar into a winged insect with a kaleidoscope of color on their paper-thin wings. And largely thanks to this amazing and inspiring process of metamorphosis, it is definitely not a surprise that these creatures have been centerpieces of symbolism all around the world.     Over time different cultures, religions, and individuals have inferred different meanings from this brightly colored member of the moth family, making the butterfly a symbol … Continue reading the article

Lotus Flower Meaning, Symbolism and Tattoo Ideas – What Does The Lotus Flower Mean?

A Pink Lotus Flower, Symbols of Femininity Throughout the World

Perhaps one of the most ancient symbols in the history of mankind, the lotus flower has been a centerpiece for symbolism in many religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Here in this article, we will be examining the symbolism behind the lotus flower and what it means for these religions as well as other cultures across the world.   Lotus Flower In Buddhism Buddhists believe that they need to overcome many obstacles of life to reach nirvana, the ultimate state … Continue reading the article

Unalome Meaning, Symbolism And Tattoo Designs – What Is An Unalome Symbol?

Unalome Lotus Tattoo Idea, an Illustration

Today’s post is about a seemingly simple yet really powerful symbol with a deep and beautiful meaning behind it; the unalome. If you are a Buddhist, you probably already know what the unalome symbol means. If you practice yoga, you are familiar with it because the chances are someone in the class already has the unalome tattooed on them. And if you are a tattoo artist, a hundred variations of the symbol were probably already etched into your mind because everybody … Continue reading the article

Symbols of Rebirth, Renewal And Resurrection: Symbolism For New Beginnings And Life (Including Tattoo Ideas)

Scarab Beetle with Imaginary Wings, One of the Most Important Symbols of Rebirth, Renewal and Resurrection

In line with mankind’s everlasting search for immortality, the concept of rebirth has been a very popular theme across many religions and systems of faith throughout history.     Inevitably, many symbols emerged to represent rebirth, reincarnation and transformation of life within cultures around the world. But what are the symbols of rebirth? In this post, we will delve into this very subject and aid you on your journey of knowledge. Phoenix, The Legendary Bird In Greek Mythology As A Symbol … Continue reading the article

Symbols of Strength And Perseverance (Including Animals, Tattoo Meanings And Ideas)

Phoenix bird as part of symbols of rebirth and reincarnation collection

The next part in our series of symbolism articles is about a specific topic; symbols of strength and perseverance around the world. Let us get right into it, here is the extensive list of strength symbols across cultures starting with the beautiful lotus flower and the East. Eastern Symbols of Strength  Lotus Flower, A Buddhist Symbol of Strength and Perseverance Being one of the most prominent and common ancient symbols, the lotus flower is a symbol of perseverance, resilience and strength … Continue reading the article