Symbols Of Femininity, Female Symbols Throughout The World

A Pink Lotus Flower, Symbols of Femininity Throughout the World

We have discussed the symbols of motherhood a few days ago in another post. But what symbols represent women in general? How were the females, whether divine goddesses or ordinary human beings, symbolized across cultures throughout history ? Let us get right into it. Here is our extensive list of symbols of femininity that will answer all of these questions. African Symbols Of Femininity Duafe, The Adinkra Female Symbol The duafe is an Adinkra symbol that literally translates to “wooden comb” … Continue reading the article

Hecate’s Wheel, Strophalos Meaning, Symbolism, Origin And Uses

Hecate's Wheel Symbol in the Sigil of the Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft in Greek Mythology

In today’s post we will go back to ancient Greece and examine a very interesting symbol that is familiar to people of pagan faith and/or are involved in witchcraft. Here is everything you should know about the symbol that is called the Hecate’s wheel, its meaning, symbolism, origin and uses. The Origin of the Hecate’s Wheel Symbol Hecate’s wheel, also known as the Strophalos of Hecate, is a symbol featuring a central six-sided star surrounded by a circle, a “triple-sided” labyrinth, … Continue reading the article

Jewish Symbols And Their Meanings: The Symbols of Judaism Explained

A Mezuah with Intricate Design, Jewish Symbols Collection

Carrying on our series on religious symbols, we will be discussing Judaism symbols in today’s post. Without further ado, here is our extensive list of Jewish symbols, their meanings and importance for the people of the faith. Mezuzah Mezuzah is a Hebrew word meaning doorpost, indicating the usage of this highly valued religious Jewish symbol. Jews place it on the doors of their homes, where it serves as a constant reminder of God’s presence in their lives and their allegiance to … Continue reading the article

Koi Fish Symbolism, Meaning And Tattoo Ideas – What Do Koi Fish Represent?

Koi Fish Symbolism and Meaning, What Do Koi Fish Represent - A Koi Fish Illustration

Adored for their beautiful appearance with vibrant colors worldwide, koi fish have been known to be prominent symbols in some cultures like Chinese and Japanese. With multiple deep symbolic meanings attached to them, koi fish imagery has been widely used in Asian art and design, in various forms, for a very long time. Let us get right into it then, here is everything you should know about koi fish symbolism, the legend behind the symbol and the spiritual meaning and religious … Continue reading the article

Awen Meaning And Symbolism: Celtic Symbol Explained

Awen Meaning and Symbolism : A Celtic Symbol

Carrying on with our article series on ancient Celtic symbols, we will be examining the Awen symbol today. Let’s get right into it, here is everything you should know about the Awen, its origin, meaning and symbolism. The Awen: Meaning and Symbolism Behind “the Tree Rays of Sunshine” The word ‘awen’ can be translated to mean essence or inspiration in Celtic language, and it is an ancient symbol that has most recently been used by contemporary druid groups; however, it has … Continue reading the article

Merkaba Star Meaning And Origin: Merkaba Symbol In Sacred Geometry And Meditation, Tattoo Design Ideas

Merkaba Star in front of the Flower of Life Symbol, Two Sacred Geometry Symbols

We are carrying on our articles series on spiritual symbols with one of the most important sacred geometry symbols today; the Merkaba star. Here is our extensive piece on the Merkaba symbol, its meaning, origin, use in spiritual practices like meditation, and its importance in various religions and cultures. Definition of Merkaba: What is the Merkaba Star? Merkaba (also spelled as Merkabah) is a sacred Jewish geometrical symbol comprising two intersecting three-dimensional triangles facing opposite sides. It is a symbol with … Continue reading the article

Buddhist Animal Symbols And Their Meanings

Phoenix bird as part of symbols of rebirth and reincarnation collection

Animals are valued as beings in Buddhism and the teachings of the Buddha extend to the way of dealing with animals as well. Here is the list of the most prominent Buddhist animal symbols you should know about. Lion The Lion has been a symbol of strength, bravery, and loyalty for centuries. In Buddhism, the Lion represents the birth of the Buddha and is associated with the Buddha’s bravery in challenging the injustices of the time. It is also believed that … Continue reading the article

The Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism And Their Meanings

The Endless Knot, Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism Collection, One of the Most Prominent Harmony Symbols

There are eight auspicious symbols in Buddhism, which are also known as “the eight symbols of good fortune in Buddhism”, underlining the importance of achieving enlightenment through various teachings of Buddha. The Origins of The Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism While originally these symbols represented the offerings made to Buddha (Shakyamuni) by Hindu deities/gods for achieving enlightenment, they were associated with various meanings over time. Today, among several other concepts, they are used to represent various stages of a person’s material … Continue reading the article

Lotus Flower Meaning, Symbolism and Tattoo Ideas – What Does The Lotus Flower Mean?

A Pink Lotus Flower, Symbols of Femininity Throughout the World

Perhaps one of the most ancient symbols in the history of mankind, the lotus flower has been a centerpiece for symbolism in many religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Here in this article, we will be examining the symbolism behind the lotus flower and what it means for these religions as well as other cultures across the world.   Lotus Flower In Buddhism Buddhists believe that they need to overcome many obstacles of life to reach nirvana, the ultimate state … Continue reading the article

Unalome Meaning, Symbolism And Tattoo Designs – What Is An Unalome Symbol?

Unalome Lotus Tattoo Idea, an Illustration

Today’s post is about a seemingly simple yet really powerful symbol with a deep and beautiful meaning behind it; the unalome. If you are a Buddhist, you probably already know what the unalome symbol means. If you practice yoga, you are familiar with it because the chances are someone in the class already has the unalome tattooed on them. And if you are a tattoo artist, a hundred variations of the symbol were probably already etched into your mind because everybody … Continue reading the article

Symbols of Strength And Perseverance (Including Animals, Tattoo Meanings And Ideas)

Phoenix bird as part of symbols of rebirth and reincarnation collection

The next part in our series of symbolism articles is about a specific topic; symbols of strength and perseverance around the world. Let us get right into it, here is the extensive list of strength symbols across cultures starting with the beautiful lotus flower and the East. Eastern Symbols of Strength  Lotus Flower, A Buddhist Symbol of Strength and Perseverance Being one of the most prominent and common ancient symbols, the lotus flower is a symbol of perseverance, resilience and strength … Continue reading the article

Metatron’s Cube Meaning: The Sacred Geometry Symbol (Definition And Tattoo Ideas)

We will be discussing Metatron’s Cube, one of the most important sacred geometry symbols, in today’s post. What does the symbol represent? Why is it named after the archangel? What are the common uses for it? The answers to all these questions and more are given in this article. Without further ado, here is all you need to know about Metatron’s Cube, its meaning in sacred geometry, origin and uses.   The Origin of Metatron’s Cube Although most people are familiar … Continue reading the article