The Lion Of Judah In Christianity And Judaism – Judah’s Lion Explained

The Lion of Judah, AKA Judah's Lion as a Religious Symbol in Christianity and Judaism

We will be delving into religious symbolism in today’s post and examine the Lion of Judah. Why was Jesus called the Lion of Judah? How important is it in Judaism and Christianity? Here are all the answers to those questions. Lion Symbolism in General – What Do Lions Represent? The lion is a majestic and ferocious animal often depicted as the king of the jungle or savannah. It symbolizes royalty, power, and nobility. Lions also symbolize bravery because it is a … Continue reading the article

Symbols of Prosperity, Wealth and Good Fortune

Cornucopia, Symbols of Wealth, Prosperity and Good Luck

In today’s post, we will be examining the symbols of prosperity, items that bring you wealth and good fortune ranging from religious icons to ancient symbols like the cornucopia. Without further ado, here is our detailed list of symbols of prosperity, wealth and good luck. Dragons As A Symbol of Prosperity In China, the dragon is a symbol of power, prosperity and good luck. Dragons are also known as the “emperor of all animals” in many Asian cultures. The dragon is … Continue reading the article

202 Angel Number Meaning Explained: Numerology, Twin Flame And Love Interpretations

202 Angel Number Meaning, Twin Flame, Love Interpretation

Angel numbers are considered to have a symbolic meaning and be a method of one-way divine communication from a higher power that appears in daily life or dreams and requires a degree of interpretation to understand the significance of the digits in one’s life. The angel number 202 is associated with following the path you are on and being more conscious about yourself and others to become a better human being. It acts as a sign that there are better times … Continue reading the article

Symbols Of Femininity, Female Symbols Throughout The World

A Pink Lotus Flower, Symbols of Femininity Throughout the World

We have discussed the symbols of motherhood a few days ago in another post. But what symbols represent women in general? How were the females, whether divine goddesses or ordinary human beings, symbolized across cultures throughout history ? Let us get right into it. Here is our extensive list of symbols of femininity that will answer all of these questions. African Symbols Of Femininity Duafe, The Adinkra Female Symbol The duafe is an Adinkra symbol that literally translates to “wooden comb” … Continue reading the article

Symbols of Patience Across Cultures

Ivy Plans, Symbols of Patience

In today’s post, we will be discussing symbols of patience across cultures and how patience is represented by people from civilizations in all four corners of the world. Let us start with the Far East and Chinese culture. Chinese Symbols For Patience Ren Symbol Ren 忍 is a symbol created by combining two characters in the Chinese language – Ren 刃 and Xin 心. The character Ren translates to the blade of the knife, and Xin means heart. When placed on top … Continue reading the article

Symbols for Motherhood Around The World

Celtic Triskelion, Symbols for Motherhood

In today’s post we will be discussing a very interesting and lovely topic, the symbols that represent the motherhood. Let us get right into it. Here is the list of the symbols of motherhood across cultures around the world. Celtic Symbols for Motherhood The Celtic Motherhood Knot The Celtic mother’s knot is made of two hearts that intertwine to form a bigger and overarching heart shape. The knot does not have a beginning or an end, which shows the never-ending and … Continue reading the article

Symbols of Freedom And Independence With Their Origin Stories

Symbols of Freedom and Independence

Today, freedom is considered a fundamental human right and many of us have been lucky to be given this right from birth. However, it has not always been the same. History is rife with examples of individuals, groups, and nations fighting for freedom. But how was it represented? Without further ado, here is our extensive list of freedom symbols, their origin stories and uses. Ancient Symbols of Freedom Pileus Pileus was a conical-shaped brimless hat that ancient Romans associated with the … Continue reading the article

Jewish Symbols And Their Meanings: The Symbols of Judaism Explained

A Mezuah with Intricate Design, Jewish Symbols Collection

Carrying on our series on religious symbols, we will be discussing Judaism symbols in today’s post. Without further ado, here is our extensive list of Jewish symbols, their meanings and importance for the people of the faith. Mezuzah Mezuzah is a Hebrew word meaning doorpost, indicating the usage of this highly valued religious Jewish symbol. Jews place it on the doors of their homes, where it serves as a constant reminder of God’s presence in their lives and their allegiance to … Continue reading the article

555 Angel Number Meaning And Symbolism: A Detailed Explanation

555 Angel Number Meaning and Symbolism Explained, An Angel Radiating with Light

Angel numbers are a sequence of repeating digits, and they are considered to be the universe’s way of communication with sentient beings. The angel number 555 is a unique sequence with multiple interpretations that provide us with a link to the spiritual realm and your guardian angel. While guardian angels cannot establish direct contact, they share messages through signs such as angel numbers that have specific meaning behind them. The meanings associated with angel number 555 are a magnification of the … Continue reading the article

818 Angel Number Meaning, Symbolism and Importance In Numerology

818 Angel Number Meaning and Symbolism Explained - Angels on the Sky

In today’s post, we will be taking you to the spiritual realm and discussing one of the most important numbers in numerology, namely, angel number 818.  If you are learning to decipher the messages sent by your guardian angels, you cannot do without understanding the meaning of angel number 818. So, let us get right into it! 818 Meaning In General As An Angel Number 818 is one of the most important and powerful angel numbers, with multiple meanings attached to … Continue reading the article

Symbols Of Love Around The World: The Extensive List

Two Dove on a Tree Branch, Universal Love Symbols

In today’s post, we will be talking about a very lovely topic, quite literally that is. Here is our complete list of symbols of love around the world and their origin stories along with a gallery of beautiful images depicting them. Ancient Symbols of Love Maple Leaf The maple leaf is one of the most well-known ancient love symbols. It originated in China and Japan where it represented the beauty with which true love manifests in your everyday life. The symbol … Continue reading the article

Hamsa Hand Meaning, Symbolism And Origin: The Evil Eye Talisman

A Beautiful Hamsa Symbol Illustration, Hamsa Hand Meaning, Symbolism, Origin and Uses for Protection from the Evil Eye

You might have heard about different amulets and talismans believed to guard against evil eyes and bring good fortune. One such protective talisman is the Hamsa hand – most commonly depicted as a palm with three fingers and a curved pinky finger or thumb on each side. It is commonly worn as a charm or pendant and even can be found in various wall hangings. The Origin of The Hamsa Hand Symbol It is a religious symbol commonly associated with Judaism, … Continue reading the article

Protection Symbols Throughout The World: The Extensive List

Dream catcher, Protection Symbols and Signs Collection

Almost every religion is associated with protection symbols that guard against evil spirits or negative energies and are believed to bring good fortune. Let us revisit history and get right into it. Here is our detailed list of protection symbols used in various parts of the world during different times. Magical Protection Symbols The Witch’s/Witches Knot Made of four interlocking vesica piscis shapes (a geometric shape formed by two intersecting circles), the Witch’s Knot, or the Witches Knot, has its roots … Continue reading the article

Seven Deadly Sins Symbols: The List With Colors And Animals Corresponding To 7 Cardinal Sins

Seven Deadly Sins Symbols List, A Word Cloud for Seven Cardinal Sins

In today’s post we will discuss the seven deadly sins, also known as the seven cardinal sins, in Christianity, namely, lust, gluttony, greed (avarice), sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Let us get right into it, here is everything you should know about the seven deadly sins, symbols, animals and colors representing them. The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin and Religious Connotations The history of the seven deadly sins is linked with religion, to be exact, Christianity. The list can be traced back … Continue reading the article

Sacred Geometry Symbols And Their Meanings – The Extensive List

Seed of Life, Sacred Geometry Symbols Collection

Carrying on with our article series on spiritual symbols, we will examine the sacred geometry symbols and their meanings in today’s post. Here is our extensive list detailing what all these fascinating symbols and shapes represent. Flower of Life The Flower of Life is a sacred symbol that represents origin and shows how everything in the universe is intertwined through the circle of life. This symbol is an amalgamation of the seed of life, the egg of life, and the fruit … Continue reading the article

Merkaba Star Meaning And Origin: Merkaba Symbol In Sacred Geometry And Meditation, Tattoo Design Ideas

Merkaba Star in front of the Flower of Life Symbol, Two Sacred Geometry Symbols

We are carrying on our articles series on spiritual symbols with one of the most important sacred geometry symbols today; the Merkaba star. Here is our extensive piece on the Merkaba symbol, its meaning, origin, use in spiritual practices like meditation, and its importance in various religions and cultures. Definition of Merkaba: What is the Merkaba Star? Merkaba (also spelled as Merkabah) is a sacred Jewish geometrical symbol comprising two intersecting three-dimensional triangles facing opposite sides. It is a symbol with … Continue reading the article