Maltese Cross: Its Meaning, Symbolism And Origin

A Maltese Cross in Red And Yellow Colors, Fire Department Symbol's Inspiration

Today’s post is about the Maltese cross, a variation of the cross symbol that you might be very familiar with if you have a firefighter in your family or circle of friends. Without further ado, here is everything you should know about the Maltese cross, including the story of its origin, meaning and symbolism behind it as well as the modern uses of the symbol. The Maltese Cross’s Origin: The Order of Saint John Also Known As The Knights of Malta … Continue reading the article

Upside Down Cross Meaning, Symbolism And Tattoo Ideas (Saint Peter’s/Petrine Cross)

Upside Down Cross Also Known As Petrine Cross and Inverted Cross In Black and White Colors

Many symbols were transformed and associated with several different meanings as time passed. Today, we will be examining one of them, the upside down cross. What does it mean? When did it originate and how did it come to be a satanic symbol? The answers to all these questions and more is here in this article. Without further ado, here is everything you need to know about the upside down cross meaning, origin and uses. What Is An Upside Down Cross? … Continue reading the article

Jerusalem Cross (The Crusader Cross) Meaning, Symbolism And Origin

Crusader Cross AKA Jerusalem Cross in Red and Black, Meaning and Symbolism Explained

In this article, we will examine one of the most popular Christian cross variants of history; the Jerusalem cross. Here is everything you need to know about the origin and history of the symbol known as the cross of Jerusalem as well as meanings and symbolism associated with it. The Origin and History of The Jerusalem Cross Also known by many other names such as the crusader cross, the cross and crosslets, the Cantonese cross and the five-fold cross, the Jerusalem … Continue reading the article

Different Types Of Crosses And Their Meanings – Christian Cross Variants

Ankh the Ancient Symbol from Egypt

In today’s post, we will be delving into the meaning and symbolism behind one of  the most popular symbols in the world, namely, the cross. Here is our extensive list of all the different types of crosses including both non-Christian and Christian variations. Christian Cross Variants Naturally, we will start our list with the variants of the Christian cross and when we say ‘Christian cross’, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the plain, old Latin cross. Latin … Continue reading the article

Chi-Rho Symbol Meaning And Origin, Christogram Px Tattoo Meaning

Chi-Rho Symbol Meaning and Origins, Catholic and Protestant Christogram in Black and White

The Chi-Rho was a symbol of significant importance for Christians, especially in the early times. But was it originally a Christian symbol? If not, how did it transform into one? Where did it originate from? We are here to answer these questions and many more. Just read on. How To Pronounce Chi-rho? First things first. Before we get into the origin story, meaning and uses of the Chi-Rho, which happens to be one of the most important religious symbols, let’s learn … Continue reading the article