Upside Down Cross Meaning, Symbolism And Tattoo Ideas (Saint Peter’s/Petrine Cross)

Upside Down Cross Also Known As Petrine Cross and Inverted Cross In Black and White Colors

Many symbols were transformed and associated with several different meanings as time passed. Today, we will be examining one of them, the upside down cross. What does it mean? When did it originate and how did it come to be a satanic symbol? The answers to all these questions and more is here in this article. Without further ado, here is everything you need to know about the upside down cross meaning, origin and uses. What Is An Upside Down Cross? … Continue reading the article

15 Satanic Symbols And Their Meanings

Septenary Sigil of the Order of the Nine Angles Satanism Symbols

In today’s post, we will be discussing satanic symbols, their meanings and origins, how and by whom they are used. Let us get right into it and start with the most obvious one. The Upside-down Cross/Satan’s Cross The upside-down cross also known as the inverted cross and the satanic cross is one of the most common Satanic symbols around the world. But what is the story behind it? The truth is that this symbol was not originally created by Satanists. It … Continue reading the article

Leviathan Cross Meaning And Symbolism: Sulfur Symbol AKA Infinity/Satanic Cross And Sigil Tattoo Ideas

Leviathan Cross As Part of Satanic Symbols Collection

In today’s post, we will be having a detailed look into the ancient symbol named the Leviathan cross also known as the Satanic cross, the infinity cross, the sulfur symbol, the sigil of Leviathan and the Leviathan symbol. Here is everything you need to know about the symbol, its meaning, origin and history.     From The Sulfur Symbol To The Leviathan Cross: How Did The Leviathan Symbol Come to Be? One thing should be clarified here; the more accurate question … Continue reading the article