Alchemy Symbols/Signs And Their Meanings, Elemental Symbols – The Extensive List

Philosopher's Stone, Alchemy Symbols, Elemental Symbols Used in the Discipline

Being one of the most interesting and alluring subjects for the curious minds among us since the ancient times, the discipline of alchemy certainly had its impact on the human history.  But how did the alchemists practice it? What did they use ? In today’s post, we are deciphering the language of alchemists by bringing you the extensive list of alchemy symbols along with their meanings and uses. Let us not keep you waiting then, here is all the elemental symbols … Continue reading the article

Ouroboros Meaning: Snake Eating Itself, The Infinity Symbol Tattoo Meaning

Ouroboros Snake Eating Its Tail Infinity Symbol Representing Rebirth

Rich with cultural significance and religious meaning, the ouroboros symbol embodies rebirth, eternity, self-reliance, immortality, and nature’s cyclic character. Commonly known as “the snake eating itself”, the ouroboros is among the most prominent ancient symbols found in the history of different cultures, religions and civilizations. One surely does wonder how a single symbol managed to endure the test of time and make its mark on so many civilizations and cultural beliefs. Let us get right into it and have a closer … Continue reading the article

Leviathan Cross Meaning And Symbolism: Sulfur Symbol AKA Infinity/Satanic Cross And Sigil Tattoo Ideas

Leviathan Cross As Part of Satanic Symbols Collection

In today’s post, we will be having a detailed look into the ancient symbol named the Leviathan cross also known as the Satanic cross, the infinity cross, the sulfur symbol, the sigil of Leviathan and the Leviathan symbol. Here is everything you need to know about the symbol, its meaning, origin and history.     From The Sulfur Symbol To The Leviathan Cross: How Did The Leviathan Symbol Come to Be? One thing should be clarified here; the more accurate question … Continue reading the article